A root canal procedure performed by Endodontic Associates of Bayside is designed to remove any infected material and then rebuild the internal structures of the tooth. After a root canal, there might still be living root structures inside the tooth. While it is rare, it is possible for a small section of existing root to be compromised or become further infected after the root canal has been completed.
An apicoectomy is a procedure called for if a tooth has had a previous root canal procedure and then was fitted for a bridge or a crown. It’s important to note that an apicoectomy is not the same as a root resection. In a root resection, an entire root is removed. An apicoectomy simply removed a tip of an existing, yet compromised root.
Before starting the procedure your endodontist will probably want to take more X-rays of the tooth and surrounding bone. You may be given an antimicrobial mouth rinse, a medicine to reduce inflammation, or prescribed follow up antibiotics.
Your endodontist will then make a small incision into the surrounding gum tissue to lift some of the gums away from the base of the tooth. Then they will use a drill to gain access to the interior of the tooth. Any infected tissue will be removed along with the tip of the problematic section of root.
Once the infection and problematic root are removed, the endodontist will fill the area and suture the incision in the gums.
If you have a tooth with a past root canal that causes pain or a dull ache, you should call Endodontic Associates of Bayside at 718-224-4000 to schedule an appointment.